Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hello all. First, sorry about being a bad blogger! I caught a pretty nasty cold last weekend, and it threw my equilibrium right out the window. I appreciated all the comments on my Stranger Than Fiction Analysis post. That aside, I have something to announce.

I’ve been evaluating my life lately, and realized how much time this blog takes up. My writing is suffering. My other responsibilities are suffering. And I can see that I’ll only be taking on more responsibilities as this year goes on – way too many to continue this blog. Plus, I’m burnt out.

I know that may sound wimpy in this blogging world, that I, who have only been blogging for ten months, should get burned while others who blog for years are still going strong. That’s why I promised myself I would stick it out for a year at least. I’d made a commitment, and I want to stay true to that.

But the other thing is that I feel like I’ve said everything I wanted to say. I’ve discussed the things close to me, rampaged about what makes me passionate, and shared the things that excite me.

And finally, all the reasons I started this blog have changed. I wanted to see if I could keep a deadline; I can. I wanted to share what I know; I have. I wanted to make contacts with others in the writing world; I did. This blog was a stepping stone for me. I know this sounds cheesy, but I feel like I’m ready to take the next step, and that won’t happen if I stand still.

When I started this blog ten months ago, I wrote once a week instead of twice. I think I’m going to have to go back to that. In addition, March will be my last full month of blogging. From now until then, I will blog once a week like I did in the beginning. After March, the blog will stay up but inactive. I may post from time to time. Or I may not.   


I will miss you guys horribly. Some of you have been loyal readers from the beginning to the end. I have made some amazing, simply-can’t-believe-it friends over the blogosphere, and I’m already regretting the friends I won’t get to meet. You guys have been great. Thanks for sticking around.



-Creative A 


Annie said...

Well, as a new fan, I'll keep reading your blog, and appreciating your posts when you can. Perhaps you can keep an irregular schedule!

I know exactly what you mean, though. I'm considering not blogging, or blogging a lot less, for some of the same reasons, chiefly, the amount of writing and revision time I'm losing, while I'm "blogging" and reading other people's blogs. (And yes, my responsibility to my family sometimes suffers, and if it must, I'd rather it be for productive writing time.)

I hope you'll post as you begin to get published, to let everyone know where you can be read. I'd love to read your fiction.

As always, thanks for your useful articles, interviews, and links. You express succinctly what some authors take a whole book to get across.

Also, I'm glad you're over your cold. My son had the flu, I had the flu, and now he has a bad cough and cold back again, and I'm still fighting the cough. It does wear a body down!

Creative A said...

Aww, that's so sweet. Thank you :) I'm so glad you find my posts useful and I appreciate all your comments. And same here: If something is going to suffer, I would rather it be for my writing than for my blog. If I do get published - I'm actually about to begin a round of submissions - I'll make sure to announce it here.

Speedy (full) recoveries :)

Anonymous said...

Also new here. But I've enjoyed it. My blog suffers from inattention, because I'd rather write on my novel. There is no doubt about it.

I'll be keeping an eye out for when you do write.

Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust? I would hate to erase this blog from my bookmarks. It is extremely informative and engaging. Good luck with all your endeavors CA.

Creative A said...

Thanks Usman, ralfast. Now that I finally went and said I was stopping, I don't want to. I keep trying to think of new ways to continue blogging. *wistful smile* And I hate to say of them is actually quite plausible. I'll see. I need to be certain I'll have time for my other responsibilities, which is the whole point.

Thanks for sticking with me :)


Anonymous said...

But I've only just discovered your blog! :( Ah well, I will for sure enjoy reading through the archives. Happy retirement!

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