Wednesday, October 14, 2009

And One More Thing...

This is an extra, belated bit of news that is just too good to pass up. Jen Nadol is hosting an ARC giveaway contest for her debut YA novel, The Mark. This book is already on my to-read list. In fact, I was so intrigued by it that I even asked Jen for an interview -- and she said yes. Score!

Actually, that's my second piece of belated news. Jen's interview will go up January 19th, 2010. And what makes The Mark so cool? It's about Cassie, a 16-year-old girl who sees a glow around someone's silhouette on the day that they are going to die. And her question is, if you know it's someone's last day, should you tell them?

Such a haunting idea. Can't wait to read it.

This video is completely unrelated to Jen and The Mark, but her premise reminded me of it immediately. Enjoy guys, and check back this weekend for my book review of Silver Phoenix.

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